How to ARM your Hills alarm system from your keypad
Ensure the green READY light is on (areas are sealed) close the doors and windows
Enter USER CODE eg. 6 9 3 9 or just press the "ON" button
Make sure that the red ARMED & Green ON light illuminates
If any of the zones are isolated, a sensor in that zone can give a mixed reading affecting the "READY" light (green light flashing). The security system will not arm if the "READY" light is not illuminated green. With the "READY" light on, you may arm the security system with your 4-digit Code. Each time a key is pressed on the keypad, a short (beep) will sound. If the code pad beeps three times after a code entry, it is an indication that the code has not been accepted. Press the [#] key (reset) and re-enter a valid code. The Hills code pad sounder can be silenced by re-entering your four-digit code. When the security system has accepted a valid code, the red "ON" light will illuminate indicating that the system has been turned on. The user must leave within the exit delay time.
How to disarm your Hills security alarm system
Enter USER CODE eg. [6] [9] [3] [9] if code is 6939 - keypad "ON" light goes OFF
When you return to your property the keypad will sound a continuous tone (beep) for the duration of the entry delay time. Enter a valid code within this entry time and the red "ON" light will turn OFF, and the tone will stop. The security system is now DISARMED. If a valid code is not entered before the end of the entry delay time, an alarm will occur.
How to change the first user code to your Hills security system
Enter from keypad *5 followed by your 4-digit master code followed by [0][2] followed by new 4-digit user code then press [#] to save and exit programming
How to change the master code to your Hills security system
1. Press [*] 5 followed by your existing master code eg. [6] [9] [3] [9] if code is 6939
2. enter the two-digit user code location code to change Example: [0][1]
3. enter the new four-digit code number you would like eg. [2] [6] [2] [6] if code is 2626
4. press the [#] key to save new number and exit programming
How to set the system date to your Hills security system with five easy steps
1. On your keypad Press the [*] [9] [6] keys for access to function 96
2. enter your master code Example: [1][2][3][4] if the code is 1234 and Date is 23/10/2020 Friday
3. enter day of the Week code:[1] = Sunday [2] = Monday [3] = Tuesday [4] = Wednesday [5 = Thursday [6] = Friday [7] = Saturday
4. enter the two-digit month code [0][1] = January to [1][0] October [1][2] December
5. enter the two-digit day of the Month code Example: [0][1] = 1st [2][3] = 23rd [3][1] = 31st
6. finally enter the last two digits of the Year code. Example: for 2020 enter [2][0] followed by the [#] key
How to set the system time to your Hills security system (loss of time)
1. Press the [*] [9] [7] keys for access to function 97
2. enter the master code Example.[1][2][3][4] if the code is 1234
3. enter the hour code Example: for 7.40pm enter [1][9][4][0]
Why is my power light flashing on my Hills alarm system keypad?
The power light (red LED) on your Hills keypad will start flashing because this indicates that your back-up-battery to the main unit is very low and now needs to be replaced. When the alarm battery has been replaced and reset properly, the power light will stop flashing showing that the battery is now in good condition as it should be.
Why is my service light lit "ON" to my Hills alarm keypad?
The service light (yellow LED) on your Hills keypad lights up because it wants to let you know that your alarm system now needs servicing.
If the service light is "ON" pressing the [*] star key followed by the [2] number two key to indicate the service condition. The LED or LED`S will illuminate indicating what service need attending to. Please refer to your alarm manual to locate the fault conditions that is causing this to occur.
Common faults to a Hills service light "ON" are a low main battery, wireless zone low battery, loss of zone supervision, telephone line fail, failure to communicate, fuse fault, loss of system time, expander trouble, zone trouble, box tamper trouble and siren trouble fault.
What does a failure to communicate error code mean?
A communication failure fault is a common trouble condition message displayed on the code pad and in most cases can easily be restored
This message indicates that your communication from your alarm system to your mobile phone is not working properly and has stopped receiving notifications. The most common cause related to this issue has been the NBN not being fully compatible for communicating to the onboard control panel phone dialler. Users may visually see a "COM FAIL" message displayed on the keypad
Warning sounds like a beeping alarm keypad will alert users indicating a problem and this should now be fixed straight away. Ignoring this issue or waiting until later should be avoided and the best solution is to book a service technician call-out to rectify this case immediately. In some cases, this issue can be repaired easily as the hardware might be out of date or it maybe you only require installing a new software update